June 15, 2008

  • Question

    Should you keep secrets from the people you love even if it is with good intentions?

    Think on this:
    One good action does not make a person good. Nor does one bad action make a person bad. Where is the balance?

Comments (19)

  • Tell me what the secret is and then I'll tell you if you should've told me or not................LMAO!  I crack myself up!

  • Yes, you should keep secrets, particularly if it's with good intentions.   

    The balance between good and bad actions is to remember we're humans, not perfect.    We all make mistakes and we all do wonderful things.   

  • @AnnMarijka -  Are ham sandwiches a secret?

  • 7-8 years ago, I would have told you no.  Today, I say sometimes it is not in their best interest.  But make sure it is truly their best interest you are thinking about.

  • Question: I have no idea, there are too many variables.
    Think on this: the balance is in the intention.

  • Some things are best to be kept to yourself. If you make a mistake and you learn from it or are ashamed of it, keep it to yourself. There is no reason that you should be forced to spill it to someone else. If it was a one time thing and you realize and accept that there should not be an issue. If there is, let it go, release it. Send it to postsecret. 

  • Discretion is important in life.

  • NO...it will always bite you in the butt if it is found out that you knew and didn't tell.  Of course there are always exceptions...but honesty is always the best answer.  Secrets are only good if they are a good secret...like someone planning a party or a special gift....

    So what do you know about Ann????????  lol

  • Being secretive about things is one of my pet peeves.  I hate it when i am kept in the dark about something!  Honesty is huge with me, so no, keeping secrets is a large no-no for me.  Just my opinion. 

    Anne IS eating a ham sandwich, isn't she?  ROF

  • Some secrets need not be shared - even with loved ones.

  • @castledweller - @BB61 - I don't get it.  Someone explain the ham sandwich thing to me.

  • Some secrets are not necessarily a bad thing so long as it doesn't get between the two of you. 

  • @AnnMarijka - My hearing impediment.   When you and Christy were out to dinner and I asked why you wantd to make a Ham Sandwich for me.

  • @BB61 - Oh yes....lost it's true meaning with that ham thing.

    For those that are lost....Christy & I told BB61 we were gonna make a man sandwich out of him and he thought we said ham sandwich.  Christy had to repeat it several times and by the time he got it, it had lost it's "funny".

  • Wow..tough one. I guess it does depend on the secret. Hope there is a follow-up on this one, hehe.

  • YES you certainly should!!!!!  No one needs to know every single thing...EVER!!

  • HELLO????  Are you coming back anytime soon??  We miss you!  AND I want to know what's up with the 'secret' question!!!

  • I don't think there's anything wrong with keeping a few secrets, especially if telling
    the truth would hurt someone needlessly.  Now, if NOT telling the secret would
    hurt someone then that's a horse of a different color.  For example, my daughter
    swore me to secrecy and then  told me that one of her really good friends (15
    years old) was about to meet up with a MUCH older guy that she'd met on the internet.
    Even though I'd promised not to tell, I hauled ass out of here to "run an errand" and
    called the friend's mom, who didn't reveal her source but was able to say she found
    the information on the girls computer. 

    Just stopped by to say and I'm baaaaack!  I looked through pages and pages of
    your photographs and they're just great.  Good luck on the new job venture.

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